Thursday, January 28, 2016

Reaper Mimic Chest

The Reaper Mimic Chest is painted but the pics are pretty bad, also the mould lines which I completely ignored are super visible but meh...It's for a model that is meant to be sacrificed in game anyway so it will be on and off the table fairly quickly in games it's used in once I turn it into the base for one of my Mechanical Dove models as originally intended.

That been said my old Malifaux 1.5 metal Mechanical Doves and the newer M2E Mechanical Rider for my Colette crew arrived yesterday so woot woot!!! Perfect timing and I'll make a start on them early next week. I've entered the BattleCry Malifaux event for 2016 in an effort to learn to actually play Malifaux a bit better so the doves turned up just when I needed them..can anyone say super excited to play a tabletop game again!!!! Yusssss!!!!

Anyway, here are a couple of pics of the Mimic Chest so far, I will post it again with the dove on it once I've completed them. The chest turned out ok and the transition from wood to fleshy tones on the top with the evil looking greenish yellow eyes worked better than I expected. I gave it a purplish coloured tounge to help tie it in with the rest of my Colette crew who all have purple somewhere on the models to help make the bright ostentatious clothes colourings of the show girls and mannequins try and unite them as a combined crew somehow.

And the doves that will be up next are here... the Mechanical Rider is such and awesome model that I will need to source some Gamin or more Mannequins to take advantage of it and actually use it in a game. I won't make a start on that just yet but will really enjoy painting it once I have some fodder for it to spit out 

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