Monday, May 23, 2016

Johan and the Gunsmiths

Winter has started and the rain has come so it's been a good time to sit inside and get Johan and the Gunsmiths painted up ready for NiCon. While they are now painted I didn't take that much care on them and it proves to me that I really need to concentrate more on getting skin tones sorted and the only real way to do that is put in more time on it. If I had put in more time they may have looked better but how much time to put into them versus how much time I have to get them ready for the table and they don't look terrible but I'm not super happy with them.

Johan was an easy choice, skin, leather overalls and purple hat and wrist straps to tie him into the Arcanists and he's done. Nice and simple or so I thought then I started on his skin...meh. That's was the first strike for effort against time constraints.

Next was the Gunsmiths...I wanted them to have a similar brown leather cape look and feel as Johan but also to have either a blue or greenish black leather look to their chaps more like Ironsides. I think I got it looking close but again the purple highlights to tie the faction together was to cause me problems. The lady Gunsmith was easy, I gave her a purple top and the frills of her pants and her sword sheath could all be purple...simple. The male Gunsmith was the issue. He ended up similar to Mouse and just got a purple belt but then I painted his gloves purple too just to try and make him stand out a little more.

I want to get Angelica painted next cause she looks like she will be great fun with Colette and the showgirls crew but enough chat, here's what you came for, some images...I really need to work on my pictures, they are all still a little crappy but then again they are just tabletop models so enjoy as they are..

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Troubleshooters: Captain and Mouse

So I've been super slack and actually finished painting these two models around three or so weeks ago but are just getting up to posting them now. What's worse is while I think the Captain is awesome, I haven't fielded Mouse since I painted him and probably won't again...oh well, he's painted now and it's another model what needed painting finished so alls good.

In keeping with my idea to use purple accented areas to tie all my Arcanists crews together I chose to trim the captains coat tails and cuffs in purple as the obvious choice. It sorta works but took a while for me to get used to. Mouse on the other hand had very little I could use to accent and still look ok. At first he had a purple hat but it looked shite so he's ended up with purple googles, belt and belt pouch. All very small items but still enough to tie him into the crew. This did make me wonder how I will get my beasts for the Marcus crew to fit in once I get to that crew box?!?! Ideas appreciated if you have any haha.

You may also notice that the Captain is sitting offset on his base. This is so I can put something extra like a skull or some bushes or something onto his base when I get around to finishing them off completely but until then I count him as finished

Up next on the painting table are pair of Gunsmiths and Johan. These have so far been assembled and primed and had a rushed three solid colour base coat so I could use them at a local event last week. They wil be getting a proper paint job in the coming weeks so they will be the next figures on here cause I want them finished for the next event in a few more weeks time. Not fond of playing with unpainted or half painted models since this is a skirmish game and you really only need seven or eight models per crew.

Today was a sunny day so I tried taking the photos on my window sill with a sheet of paper to defuse the direct sunlight and it seems to have worked out ok. They are still crappy pics taken on my cell phone in the end they are.