Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Toni Ironsides starting to see some paint lovin..

With the distinct lack of painting that's been happening here it's been fun to sit back an make in roads on the trouble shooters starter crew box. At first I wanted to get Toni, Mouse and the Captain finished but the Mages needed to match Ironsides colours...bugger. Oh well, they need painting too so make a start.

First problem was seeing how to actually make them work as Ironsides crew but also how to incorporate them and Ironsides into the Arcanists crew I already had. With Colette and the showgirls there was a ribbon or similar on every model that I could tie them together with as parts of the same crew so used purple as the tie in colour. Works good enough to make the colourful showgirls crew stay together so I'll use the same colour here for this crew.

Ironsides was easy, she had ribbons on the ends of her gloves so they became purple. The mages had no matching items except the capes which at first was an option but I decided this would be too much purple.....so in the end I decided to use the hair of the Mages and the head without any hair it has a big swooping magical thing happening that can be purple. Problem solved.

Well they are mostly done... I don't have any spray sealer left so need to get some more to finish these of. I also want to try water effects on Ironsides base and the swooping Mages base so need to find some water epoxy. Once the matt sealer is on I'll add some static grass and the water effects then they will be finished...until then, here's how they look:


TEerrible lighting reflection in one for some reason...

And then all together

While I was painting the bases I remembered to take mouse and the captain of their bases and paint them at the same time..wish I had thought a bit more as I need to make some base for my gunsmiths and they could of all been painted together

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Killjoy is almost finished...

Well the painting has slowed to a crawl but the production of models has ramped up massively. In the last month all I've managed to do is finish up painting one model. Yes that's right, one single model...what a slow down that's been. To make it even worse the model isn't even finished, I still have to paint the base aarrrggghhhh.....

To be fair I haven't slacked off completely. Instead of painting, it seems I have been making models and priming them ready for painting in my modelling time. I've also mucked about with bases and a bit of scenery but more on those as I do blog posts for them later.

This month I have assembled more of my arcanist masters crew boxes and reorganised all my cards into sleeves and holders for ease or access when playing...models and crews assembled are: 3x metal gamin, the mech rider, rail golem (mucked around for ages and still ended up with a railway/mine style base), Johan, a gun smith, fire starter ltd edition model (thanks Peter, so looking forward to painting this model) and the Ironsides crew box....Toni and her crew are what I'm putting on the table at the moment and they play so much differently than Colette and the show girls. It's been a fun month but a very unproductive one paint wise. All of these models I've assembled are still sitting around in primer, it's depressing.

What's worse is the list of models still to assemble...Mei Feng crew box, Kaeris crew box, Ramos crew box, another 6 mechanical spiders, angelica, silent ones, acane effigy, Willie, electrical creation and the essence of power....I'm thinking of buying the rasputina crew, Decembers acolytes, Marcus crew and the slate ridge mauler just so I have pretty much filled out the arcanist a but this would mean an even bigger list of unpainted and unassebled models staring at me....wait, I also need mole men, hoar cat prides and blessed of December..oh hell no..they can all wait a while longer.

I'll try a get some pics of the models I assembled up and the terrain I started on up to but in the mean time that's more than enough dribble from me, here's what is expected...a couple of pictures of the painted killjoy model...

Still need to decide on how I will paint the bases but pretty happy with ow it's turning out. Also not sure if I should try some blood splatter effects of leave it like it is..next up is the iron sides crew box as they are running around unpainted on the table and its irking me so expect to see them up here next