Tuesday, February 5, 2019

September 2018 through January 2019

And yet again my posts have slipped way behind. I have been painting a bit but not as much as I would of liked, what with work and real life getting in the way and all. So this post is going to be an accumulation the last few months work......

September 2018
A convict Gunslinger and Bishop are a couple of M2E mercenaries that have been sitting around to long so they had a quick splash. Also pretty sure it was September I finished the Cross Road Seven.

October 2018
A very slow month for me this month only finishing Amina Nadu for my Malifaux painting. I really like the colour her shirt and jeans came out so will utilise these colours more on other models in the faction as well as the purple I use to tie my Arcanisits together. Next month I plan to get some of my terrain completely finished. Since the roofs have been done for months, I need to finish the buildings.

November 2018
Finished my 5x terrain pieces that form the basis of my Frontier/Western Style town for Malifaux and got a start on the base coats of Fitzsimmons and the two Saboteurs. They will be next months task but for November its just the buildings

December 2018
Epic Fail...Had a family Christmas organised for my partners family who all met at a batch in the Coromandle and that meant no painting on my days off. zero models completed in December

January 2019
Fitsimmons and the 2x Sabotuers where the items finished this month.

Next month, well this month, February, I am planning on getting Neil Henry painted and the finishing touches on my Warhammer Underworlds crew, the Chosen Axes. see you again soon.
