The Ramos crew base box comes with some spiders but I figured they wouldn't be enough. This may or may not be true but as bought a box of some more just so Ramos has plenty of these little bugger sat the ready if needed. I figured one swarm should be enough so based up one only and left the rest as single base spiders.
Wasn't sure how to differentiate between the single spiders in game as they all look the same or similar at least so I decided to mark them as groups of three on their bases and cards. Haven't tried it yet as I'm still to actually play a game with them but each individual spider has as single, double or triple line in green, red or blue on its base and each individual card has the matching mark upon it. Pretty sure this will be the easiest way to determine which model has taken what wounds and activated etc during game play but if any experienced Ramos players have as better system please let me know.
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