It's here, everyone's favourite construct.....Howard Langstone aka Citizen Snips, Hank, Dr Chops, Langa Banga, F;$@3~*g piece of S#@t or the variety of other endowments this sexy model has poured upon him.
This was another model that needed a bit of a gentle push and a poke to sit on his base properly. While it's not far from the original pose, what I've tried to achieve with the new pose was a bit more of an action orientated stance and have it look as if he was trying to cut your head off with his incoming left hook after running at you over the junk pile with his over extended uppercut.
In the past I have had limited success with him and he's spent the most of his life unpainted and unused, sitting quietly in my model box all lonely like because every time I field him he's priority target and dead before he does anything. But.... I have finally finished him and are currently using him in the campaign my local gaming group has started. So far I like him for the sheer panic on people's faces he produces when placed on the table rather than his tabletop prowess but hopefully after the campaign is over I'll be more used to him and he may see more table time.
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