Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Reaper Bones Gnoll Warrior

Well its been a while but I have finally finished the Reaper Bones Gnoll Warrior. The fact that I knew nothing about what a Gnoll Warrior even was and the total lack of preconceived ideas as to how it should look helped me, but also hindered my colour choices; however it also made it a fun model to paint.

I wanted it to look a little bit like a tiger or some form of brightly coloured jungle beast and had decided to try and have blueish coloured metals to contrast with the brighter orange and yellow skin/fur I had chosen? That's where it all became unglued....

After finishing the model and applying the final sealer coat everything turned upside down. The sealer reacted again with the inks, even after leaving them to dry properly. It washed out the orange and yellow skin tones considerably, making a complete mess of the highlights and all but obliterating the yellows. That I could live with, almost, but the blue metallic ended up so muddy and monochromatic it just looked like a blue solid colour and nothing like a metal surface...arrrggghh!!!!

As this wasn't going to be a playing piece and was really just for fun/painting practice it wasn't all that bad but I needed to try and rescue it with some form of detail added into the finished piece. A quick dry brush over the skin/fur almost worked and the decision to make the metal areas blue washed out mess the base of a quick grey toned drybrush rather than a repaint with metalics seems to of worked too. It has sort of inspired me to try out NMM at some stage but I think I need a lot more practice though before trying that. The end result is what I am going to call my first attempt at NMM

Here he is...

Next up is going to be the Mimic Treasure Chest. I want to paint that to be the base for sitting one of the old metal Mechanical Doves on that I am waiting to turn up for my Colette Malifaux crew rather than just have the dove sitting by itself...the fact that I will be using that model as a gaming piece and that it is a smaller model than this Gnoll is should hopefully get me back into a more productive routine of painting.

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