Today, it was time for the Neverborn from the M2E Starter Set...I wanted the Bloodwretches to look like some sort of bland green and dirty brown, battle worn prisoners look almost as if they were military of some sort that had been captured. The thought was to have Angel Eyes be a dark mysterious Assassin/Ranger looking character with dirty worn clothes that is out to get them back and for the Scion to be similar in his 'come get some' arms out each side and peacock chest pose.
The skin was what was bothering me and what turned out pretty bad, none of the models are quiet how I wanted them to look. I wanted a light but dark (duh, how dumb does that sound) skin tone that was dirty yet also showed somehow the black blood. I had no idea where to start. I was going to use a red and brown mix but thought it would of got lost in the muted clothes and been to dark so decided on a purple shade on a bright skin to start with...In my head it looked good anyway.

Here's what it looks these are only Starter Set models which I'll probably only play with a few times anyway it doesn't matter too much. Because of the failed skin tones, I pretty much rushed through the models and didn't put as much effort into the rest of the models paint jobs so I could make a start on the bases once they were done. Once painted I'd changed my mind on the bases and made debris ridden outdoor bases for the Neverborn, rather than making them all utilise the steel plate bases I had planned on fitted everything to originally. I think it will work better in the long run and I'll be able to make the Neverborn bases dirtier as if they are on the run or something.
The Bloodwretches where started with a greyer skin tone but came out too purple, Angel Eyes came out ok I guess, it works with her dark clothing. The Scion was closest to what I had pictured. The problem was when I went to seal them...I tried a new Reaper Brush On Sealer that I had here which I hadn't tried before. While initially impressed with the ease of application, I don't think I had waited long enough for everything to dry before sealing them. The super viscous sealer reacted with the inks and the paints and mushed them all together and striped it out of some of the recesses...doh!!! most of it all settled down and worked ok with brushing over the skin areas and wiping away most of it before it dried.
Not that happy with the cape either but are looking forward to getting the bases done and the models finshed. That will have to be tomorrow now as I have to wait for the grey epoxy in the bases to dry before they get primed and cock up a day is enough I feel :)